Little complimentary or even kind has been written about the F-111B. It deserved a more balanced assessment, because much of what was said about it before its cancellation was derogatory and bordering on misrepresentation, intended to both reflect badly on Robert McNamara's leadership of the Department of Defense and justify a very different type of fighter that the Navy had come to need. This is my attempt to provide a more nuanced analysis of the F-111B program.
Unfortunately, Steve Ginter has sold out his stock and doesn't plan to reprint it. However, there are several available from Amazon books.
GDay Tommy,
I recently appear to have bought a 'print on demand' or counterfeit copy of your book - the quality of the 'book'/paper is nothing like the other Naval Fighters/Ginter books - it's worse than what come out of my home laser printer. My experience with the rest of the Naval Fighters series is card stock gloss covers, print on the inside of the covers, gloss pages, clear pictures and a stapled spine. What I seem to have is heavy paper cover with no print on the inside, matte 'office paper' pages, grainy pictures and a glued spine that is ... questionable!
Where I bought it from (http://www.bookdepository.com/Grumman-Navy-F-111B-Swing-Wing/9780942612417) don't seem to want to believe me on this - is there anyway to contact you directly to verify if what is being sold by them is counterfeit?
Dan - it's definitely a crude copy of what was originally published by Steve Ginter. Please contact me at tommythomason@sbcglobal.net at your earliest convenience.
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